Friday, December 30, 2011

Spain Part 4

We made it! I am writing this from a hotel called Alboran, in a city called Algeciras. We just finished dinner of atun, patatas, arroz cubana y helado. We are at the tip of southern Spain. I cannot adequately describe the beauty of what I have just seen, having driven 3 hours throught the mountains on our slow descent to the sea. The land is untouched and looks as if it must have for thousands of years. From the olive groves at the top to the orange groves at the bottom it was simply surreal. Unforgettable.

This modern hotel vastly different from where we have been for the last two days, a country paradise called Cinco Lunas, a bed and breakfast little inn that a man named Gonzalo built with his own two hands. It was impossible to find, but amazing when we did. Situated near the hill town of Zahara de la Sierra, in the hills of Andalusia, about 40 km from Ronda, it is an untouched feast for the eyes. The soul breathes a deep sigh. Gonzalo and Anja have two small children, Merlin and Marai, who were the ages of our children. The couple have sheep, chickens, olives, apricots, nuts, figs, oranges, all kinds of organic veggies and breads and cheese. They make their own olive oil. A stream runs through their little slice of Heaven where green hills snuggle them in. Everywhere you look nature beckons you to come and enjoy, eat drink and be merr.

Our kids, 3 and 1 have been absolute troopers, patiently enduring and even enjoying the worst of it, like our 13 hour car trip from Valencia. We left at 7AM and headed south west towards Cordoba. What an amazing little city. Ancient and beautiful, with cobblestone streets and the largest mosque in Spain, built in the 15th century. We then drove to Andalucia and got lost. But getting lost in Spain is a treat. You encounter charming small towns and farms and the sunset seems to last forever.

Today we head to Gibraltar. We forgot our passports at home, so we can't go to Morocco today, but at least I will be able to put my foot on the very tip of Spain.

Finally, I must give God the glory. At every perilous turn, every worry, every uncertainty, I felt his guidance and he kept us safe and answered our prayers. More to come. Today will certainly be another unforgettable time.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Spain Part 3

I sit here with an excitement, the kind you feel when you're off to an amazing and unexpected adventure. As all three of us, Joe, his mom and I are pretty spontaneous, this morning we decided to rent a car and drive 8 hours south to Sevilla, near Gibraltar and the tip of North Africa, Morocco. However, it took us several hours to procure a vehicle, which would have placed us in Sevilla sometime after midnight, which none of us were too excited about. So, tomorrow we are off!! Which means you must tune in to Spain Part 4.

But I hope this entry doesn't disappoint. Well, things just kept increasing in interest and beauty after I left off at the beach. I have to admit, the beach was so wonderful that I went back the next day all alone and took a very long walk and watched the sunset. A salty old dude decided to walk with me, a life-long Valencian. We got along just fine with bits of both our mother tongues as we walked along. He sang me a song in Spanish as if he were an old movie star and I was a beautiful senorita. It was wonderful. I felt perfectly safe, as he was gentle and very old.

One thing we knew we would do beforehand was to check out the Oceanographic, Valencia's amazing aquarium. We spent all day oohing and ahhing like children at the creatures, and we took in a fun dolphin and trainer show. We ate at a restaurant called The Submarine, which was fine dining as if you were inside the sea. The fish swam all around us in an infinity aquarium. It was breathtaking.

It was fun to celebrate Christmas Eve here in Valencia. Kathy and I walked to the beautiful Central Market where we bought an leg of lamb, mint, lemon thyme, salad, baked pumpkin (a treat here), fresh bread, lox, cream cheese, a special cream filled log cake, asparagus and mushrooms (the lox and cream cheese were for Christmas morning, something I have been eating on Christmas morning since I was little). It was a wonderful feast, having prepared the lamb seared and braised with rosemary, garlic, onions, carrots olive oil, broth and white wine. We dined with red wine and candles and ended the night with my personal Christmas Eve favorite, "It's a Wonderful Life" with Jimmy Stewart. For once the streets were quiet, as most were home with their families.

The next day my very ambitious mother-in-law planned a train ride to Segunt for a hike to an ancient castle in ruins, then a visit to the Bancaja Nativity, the largest in Europe. Segunt is like something out of a movie, with narrow cobblestone streets, whitewashed or bright row houses, colorful verandas with flowers, and ancient Roman ruins. It wore me out but I am so glad we saw it. The nativity was a miniature recreation of the whole story of Jesus' birth - Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Egypt, the

I must admit I was refreshed to not be reminded so heavily of Christmas in a commercial way like I am in America. We had a rustic, romantic, warm time that will forever stand out in my memory as one of my favorites. Dalton was perfectly thrilled with a tiny Christmas sock (we didn't have stockings) with a couple of chocolates and a some candy and a small wooded drum. For us it was more about the experiences we were having and the joy of simply being together in Spain.

I truly hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!! More to come...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Spain Part 2

I know it's silly to say only after 3 1/2 days in a foreign country that you already have a favorite day, but this one will be hard to beat. If you know me, you know I am a "California girl", complete with an undeniable love affair with the beach. Well, we had the most wonderful afternoon at the Mediterranean seaside. Let me fill you in with all the details.

We woke up late, as Joe's mom informed us is the usual Spanish way, had a cafe con leche, a pastry and caught the Metro for a quick jaunt to the beach. It was sunny and in the low 60's, perfecto!! Dalton and Fielding immediately busied themselves with sand, rocks and water, filling each and every crevice of their bodies with sand, the finest and softest I had ever felt before. The sea was a deep blue and the waves were perfectly mellow, just the right setting for a peaceful prayer walk and some shell scouting.

Two of my other loves are pottery and antiques, so the next thing that happened truly delighted my soul. As I started to search for an unforgettable stone to bring home or some beach glass, instead I started to find ancient pottery shards. Oh my goodness, I was in heaven. I must have picked up a couple of pounds of the stuff, but it is beautiful and old and will always remind me of this perfect day.

After frolicking for a couple of hours, we took a nice walk along the sea and then stopped at a tapas restarant and had ensalada Valenciana, gambas fritas, papas fritas, hamburgesa, queso manchego and of course, cerveza. It was right on the beach too. AHHH my beach fix for now.

Yesterday was really special too, as Kathy's headmaster Sara had us over for a very special lunch complete with champagne, wine, and many special Spanish foods. She really spoiled us.

It's been heavenly so far...and if you're interested there is more to come. We love the culture of walking everywhere, taking it easy, enjoying eachother and savoring amazing foods. I feel like I am on a second honeymoon, Valencia is muy romantico!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Spain 2011 Part 1

December 17
I am sitting on the bed in Kathy's (Joe's mom) apartment in Valencia, Spain. I am listening to the washing machine upstairs and the sounds of dinner cooking. The kids are peacefully napping. We will be up much later than normal, as that is the way in Espana, no? Today was our first full day. We woke up late, got ready and went out for hamon y queso bocadillas, cafe y orange juice, freshly squeezed from the Valecia oranges here. Wow, nothing better. We went to an amazing marketplace inside an ancient building complete with beautiful cielings and views. It was bustling and everywhere I looked there were amazing treats for my mouth and eyes. Cerano ham, fresh fruits, cheeses, nuts, fish...we will eat the fruits of our labor tonight..fresh salmon. It was fun to see everyone so relaxed, sitting and sipping cerveza or cafe and enjoying the beautiful sunny day. It must have been in the 60's, a truly perfect day.

I have been praying a lot for God's help and protection. Yesterday, our long travel day, was truly a lesson in relying on God. Before weo left on the 15th I got down on my knees and begged God to not only keep us and the plane safe but to bless every aspect of the trip, every layover, each connecting flight, everything. I know He was with us. The kids were amazing all day, even after 21 hours of travel. There was a play area in the Madrid airport that was a lifesaver. It had a huge sink and changing area, just in time to solve Dalton's "poopmergency". The lady who worked there just loved the kids and called them "dulces" or sweet. There was the sweetest lady named Cristina from Costa Rica on our last flight from Madrid to Valencia. We were bone tired and she was fascinated with the kids, which really helped this sleepy mama. After an over-priced taxi ride to Kathy's house, we took a minute to get settled and then went to dinner at Cuervas, a tapas restuarant down below. We had stuffed eggplant, fried brie with currant jelly, chicken croquets, shrimp skewers, baguettes and beer. It was heavenly. Our tuckered little ones fell right asleep. Fielding woke up a few times to talk and have more milk, but he awoke happy and ready for the day today.

Thanks so much, Lord, for blessing our trip already. It's been amazing so far...more to come!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Green Year!

"We do not inhertit the planet from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." ~Anonymous

I was recently inspired by someone in Hollywood. Her name is Alicia Silverstone and she starred in "Clueless" in the 90's. She, although not limited in monetary resources, decided to make some changes to be more responsible to the environment. She now buys everything she can second hand as well as eats organic foods, among other things. I love it! She does it out of love for the Earth and to give her children a gift: a healthier environment.

So, I decided to list a few of the things our family has been doing to be more environmentally responsible, just in time for the New Year.

1. We meet our household's needs mostly second-hand.
- Thrift stores are amazing for clothing, decorative items and even gifts.
- Craig's List has blown us away as far as what you can get for your money. Ridiculous prices for gently used furniture and appliances. Heck, I even got my maternity clothes from there!

2. We buy a share from a local farm.
- Flavorful, organic and seasonal veggies for a fraction of what you would pay at the store.
- Supports local farms.
- Teaches our children the value of foods and how to eat in a healthy way.
- Keeps me on my toes in the kitchen and helps me learn how to cook all kinds of veggies.

3. We grow our own foods.
- It's been so fun for our family to grow, tend and eat from a garden.
- Great, timeless lessons for our sons and super, healthy food. You can taste the sunshine!

4. Barter or trade with neighbors and friends.
- We paid nothing for our "latest" (not new) vehicle because a friend needed ours and we
needed his. We just traded!

5. Obvious, ok, but RECYCLE!!
- So much more can be recycled than we know.

6. Buy organic.
- We consume so many toxins and pesticides than aren't found in or on organic foods.

7. Which leads me to my next one: cut down on the box, bag or can.
- I find it almost impossible to do away with certain prepackaged goods, but KNOWING what
goes into our meals at home gives me great peace of mind.
- Less packaging to end up in the landfill.
- Less chemicals to end up in our bodies and brains.
- Whole food cooking and eating is just good for our general health, helping us to fight off
diseases and turn back the clock.

8. Wear layers at home.
- We really don't need to overheat our homes if we layer even inside.
- Saves on energy and cuts down on those beloved bills.

9. Use what you have.
- Often I find what I need right at home if I look hard enough.
- Become need driven instead of want driven.

10. Donate what you aren't using.
- Your local Goodwill or ARC will thank you for helping their cause with your wonderful, gently
used items that no longer fit, are needed or go with your decor.

It really feels good to live this way. I know it's not for everyone, but it's amazing how much money we have saved and how good we feel about these changes. Next stop: COMPOSTING!! I'm just not there yet...

Happy Green Year!
What have you done to GO GREEN? I would love to know...