Monday, December 19, 2011

Spain Part 2

I know it's silly to say only after 3 1/2 days in a foreign country that you already have a favorite day, but this one will be hard to beat. If you know me, you know I am a "California girl", complete with an undeniable love affair with the beach. Well, we had the most wonderful afternoon at the Mediterranean seaside. Let me fill you in with all the details.

We woke up late, as Joe's mom informed us is the usual Spanish way, had a cafe con leche, a pastry and caught the Metro for a quick jaunt to the beach. It was sunny and in the low 60's, perfecto!! Dalton and Fielding immediately busied themselves with sand, rocks and water, filling each and every crevice of their bodies with sand, the finest and softest I had ever felt before. The sea was a deep blue and the waves were perfectly mellow, just the right setting for a peaceful prayer walk and some shell scouting.

Two of my other loves are pottery and antiques, so the next thing that happened truly delighted my soul. As I started to search for an unforgettable stone to bring home or some beach glass, instead I started to find ancient pottery shards. Oh my goodness, I was in heaven. I must have picked up a couple of pounds of the stuff, but it is beautiful and old and will always remind me of this perfect day.

After frolicking for a couple of hours, we took a nice walk along the sea and then stopped at a tapas restarant and had ensalada Valenciana, gambas fritas, papas fritas, hamburgesa, queso manchego and of course, cerveza. It was right on the beach too. AHHH my beach fix for now.

Yesterday was really special too, as Kathy's headmaster Sara had us over for a very special lunch complete with champagne, wine, and many special Spanish foods. She really spoiled us.

It's been heavenly so far...and if you're interested there is more to come. We love the culture of walking everywhere, taking it easy, enjoying eachother and savoring amazing foods. I feel like I am on a second honeymoon, Valencia is muy romantico!!

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