Friday, June 10, 2011

Abstinence Rocks!

Ok, so you're probably thinking, "Wow, this is a really personal issue. TMI, TMI." Of course those thoughts crossed my mind before I decided to write this blog, but I can't help it. I feel so strongly about it and it blessed me so much before I met my husband.

Yes, I will put it out there, ABSTINENCE ROCKS! Ok, when you're single that is. In marriage, I believe God wants us to enjoy a rich intimacy. We live in a world that is moving further and further away from family values, treasuring marriage, honoring virtue and just general morality. If you are young and are trying to decide which way to turn, I am speaking to you.

Here's the truth. I was a 35-year-old virgin when I married. My husband is 9 years younger than me but amazingly had also kept himself for marriage. Our first kiss was at the altar on our wedding day. It was incredible, not to mention the absolute excitement of our wedding night. I won't go into details, but it sizzled. So, are we just a couple of frigid prudes who spurn pleasure and bang our Bibles? No! We simply became true Christians at a young age and waited on God until he revealed "the one". It took much prayer, great friends, deep conviction and courage to keep ourselves for our mate. It took character to say no, trusting God even when almost all of my best friends were already happily married and had children. I clung to the promises in Psalm 37 that God would give me the desires of my heart if I delighted in him. I took comfort in the love he had for me, the love of a husband in Hosea 2. His word helped me to persevere those long years while I waited. I knew God would bless my sacrifice, and boy did he and more! We have a blessed life together and enjoy each other immensely as God intended.

Here are some blessings I have received from this important decision:
-No worries of disease or unplanned pregnancy
-Weeded out the insincere men from my life - I know my hubby married me for love, not sex
-Clear conscience before God, no fear of his discipline due to my disobedience
-Ability to stay focused because I wasn't becoming attached to men to whom I wasn't going to marry
-No baggage to bring into my marriage, no comparisons to others haunting me
-No insecurity in intimacy since we have nothing to hide or compare
-Childlike freedom in the bedroom and a childlike love between us
-Ability to give a wonderful gift to your spouse
-Wonderful trust between you and your mate
-True intimacy, where two people can connect not only in body, but in soul - the most satisfying kind
-The way purity keeps your heart soft and open towards others

I could go on and on. Intimacy goes deep, to the very soul and you can never erase it once it's been done. Like it or not it does affect your relationships and it is the source of so much destruction, insecurity and spiritual death. God loves us and knows what is best for us. He knows that his way is the best way in life and in the bedroom. Doubt me? Doubt God? Just read Song of Songs and you'll see what kind of God we serve. Jesus himself taught that following him is "life to the full" in John 10. I stand here before you and I challenge you to put these things to the test. You'll soon experience the amazing blessings of living life God's way. It never fails!

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